Early Years
The EYFS is a unique, distinct, and important phase in education. It places an equal priority on supporting children’s social and emotional development and on their learning. It is a crucial time for developing children’s engagement, enjoyment of learning and motivation. The curriculum in the Early Years provides a structure and sense of direction, whilst providing ambitious opportunities for children to learn. Our curriculum recognises children’s prior learning and experiences and seeks to build on these, developing their skills and knowledge through a variety of themes and first-hand experiences that stimulate their curiosity. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all children ensuring adaptations are made where necessary.
Play and exploration are at the heart of Early Years practice and children are able to interact with well-organised and resourced environments that spark their interests and allow for independence and sustained shared thinking. Environments are enhanced with a wide range of multi-sensory activities that encourage children to explore, develop skills and adapt their own learning.
Our teachers are highly skilled and caring and want to make the time your child spends with us as enjoyable as possible. Please do come and talk to us if you have any concerns or if you want to share your child’s achievements at home with us. The partnership that we have with parents is very important to us. We will always maintain positive and respectful relationships with children and families.
Our teaching staff are:
Nursery-Mrs McCullion
F2T- Miss Reavey
F2N - Mr Nashir
F2D-Miss Drayton
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory guidance and the non-statutory Development Matters guidance which outlines child development for children from birth to three, three to four and the Reception year. This framework sets the standards for the learning, development and care of your child. Within the framework, there are 7 key learning areas:
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
We support children in their learning through careful observations, adult led sessions, informal assessments and listening to information from parents/carers. We encourage children to use the 3 characteristics of effective learning, which are:
⦁ Playing and exploring
⦁ Active learning
⦁ Creating and thinking critically
The early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) applies to children from birth to the end of the reception year. At Oasis Henderson Avenue children join the Nursery class in the year that they turn 4 and the reception class in the year that they turn 5. We work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that together we keep children healthy and safe.
The EYFS is built upon these key principles:
⦁ A unique child- developing resilient and confident children
⦁ Positive relationships-with each other and with key adults in school
⦁ Enabling environments-creating an exciting learning environment indoors and outdoors so that children can flourish
⦁ Learning and developing-all children learn in different ways and we will support children in their next steps in learning and celebrate achievements
All children are valued and treated as individuals at Oasis Henderson Avenue. We aim to ensure that all children have equal access to all provision. We support children to achieve the best that they can, taking into account their individual needs. We identify and monitor any educational or disability need (SEND) at the earliest opportunity to enable staff to support children to achieve their potential. Please see our SEND section on the website.
We meet the needs of all children through
⦁ using a wide range of teaching strategies
⦁ regular staff training and development
⦁ observing children and planning next steps
⦁ motivating and rewarding children at every opportunity
⦁ ensuring high quality resources are available and offering daily outdoor play
⦁ making learning fun and challenging, monitoring children’s progress carefully and providing early support
⦁ extending all children at every opportunity
⦁ teaching the children, the skills they need to interact with their peers and manage their own behaviour
⦁ Focussing on key literacy and numeracy skills
⦁ Focussing on language development
It is important to all staff and families that their children are kept safe. We educate children on boundaries and expectations in and out of school. Children are encouraged to be independent and make their own decisions based on their knowledge and to ask for support when needed. We aim to raise self-esteem and confidence through quality circle time sessions and also to teach PSHE skills as an important part of our curriculum. At Oasis Henderson Avenue we understand that we need to comply with welfare requirements within the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. We understand that we must;
⦁ Promote the welfare and safeguarding of children
⦁ Promote good health, preventing the spread of infection and taking appropriate action when children are ill
⦁ Manage behaviour effectively in an age appropriate way
⦁ Ensure all adults working within EYFS are suitable to work with children
⦁ Ensure that environments are safe and fit for purpose
⦁ Challenge all children and make learning fun
⦁ Maintain records, policies and procedures for the safe and efficient management of the setting including the administration of medicines
⦁ Also staff working within EYFS refer to the Statutory Framework for EYFS for guidance
Health and Safety
⦁ Staff to report any health & safety concerns to site staff and to Miss Ward immediately
⦁ Regular health & safety checks carried out
⦁ Classrooms kept tidy and well organised
⦁ Whole school medicine and accident policy adhered to
⦁ Fresh water available at all times
⦁ Free fruit available daily
⦁ First aid boxes in each classroom
⦁ Several staff members in EYFS have up to date training
⦁ Daily teeth cleaning in school and visits to school by the team teeth dentist
Parent partnerships 
⦁ Welcome talk by Foundation Stage leader
⦁ Home visits for all Nursery children
⦁ 1:1 visits offered to all parents whose children are starting in reception and are new to our school
⦁ Open door policy
⦁ Home link homework book
⦁ Parents knowledge of own child valued
⦁ Parents evenings in autumn and spring term
⦁ Report sent home in the summer term
⦁ Stay and share sessions weekly
⦁ Information shared on phonics, reading and maths regularly
⦁ Regular newsletters
Miss L Brown (Foundation Stage leader)