
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Admission Information


We are a non-selective Academy open to pupils of all religious faiths and those of no faith. Admissions at Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue are co-ordinated under the Common Application Form via North Lincolnshire Council. If you are a parent or carer and wish to apply for a place at Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue for the following September, you will need to complete the Common Application Form via the North Lincolnshire Council website.

If you are seeking a place for your child at Nursery, please contact the school directly. 

Please note, an admission to Nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception.

Applying For A Place

Details of how and when to apply, and how places will be offered, are in the “Determined Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in the area of North Lincolnshire Council for the academic year 2024/25”. When they are published they will be available on the North Lincolnshire Council website

Parents may seek a place for their child outside of the normal age group, for example, if the child is gifted and talented or has experienced problems such as ill health. In addition, the parents of a summer born child (1 April to 31 August) may choose not to send that child to school until the September following their fifth birthday and may request that they are admitted out of their normal age group – to reception rather than year one.

When requesting admission outside the normal age group, the parents should firstly complete the standard application for the normal age group. In addition, they should contact the council’s Admissions Team to ask for an “admission outside the normal age group” form to be sent to them. That form should also be completed and submitted. On the “admission outside the normal age group” form they should list the schools they wish to consider their request, give information about why they are making the request, and submit any relevant evidence they may have (for example, if their child is receiving support from a speech and language therapist).

The council will consider their request on the circumstances of each case and in the best interest of the child concerned. This will include taking account of the parent’s views; information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development; where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical professional; whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group; and whether they may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely; and the views of the head teacher of the school concerned. After consideration, the council will make a recommendation to the school on the request but it will be for the school to make the final decision on whether the request will be agreed.

How Will Places Be Allocated?

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the places available, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of pupils with statements of Special Educational Needs where the academy is named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below.

Factor 1 Looked after children and previously looked after children

A “looked after child” is a child who is: (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making an application to a school. A “previously looked after child” is a child who: (a) ceased to be looked after because they were adopted, or (b) became subject to a child arrangements order, or (c) became subject to a special guardianship order, immediately after being looked after, including those who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

Factor 2 Children who live in the academy’s designated catchment area.

Parents can see which catchment areas cover their address by following the link from the “Apply for a school place” page at A map of the catchment area for Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue is included in this document. The address taken under this factor will be that on Friday 9 February 2024. Parents who move after submitting their preference must inform the council’s Admissions Team of any change of address. For admission purposes, the home address is where a child usually lives with their parent or carer. You must not give the address of a childminder or relative. Where a child lives with parents with shared responsibility, each for part of the week the Admission Officer will apply the address of the parent who claims the child’s benefit as the pupil’s address for determining this criteria. If neither parent claims child benefit other documentary evidence (eg medical card) may be required. If it is found that you have given a false address your child may lose their place. For families of service personnel with a confirmed posting, or crown servants returning from overseas, whose application is accompanied by an official letter declaring a relocation date the home address will be either the address at which the child will live, or the unit or quartering address if the parent requests this. Parents will need to provide evidence of the intended address. 

Factor 3 Children who will have a sibling attending the academy at the time of their admission.

Included in this factor are siblings who will be attending the academy at the expected time of admission. Sibling means a child living as part of the same family unit at the same address. This includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, step siblings, foster siblings, and the child of a parent’s partner. In the event of two applications for one vacancy using the above criteria, the academy will apply a tie breaker decision based on geographical distance. Siblings for the same year group (twins, triplets etc) Where there are twins or triplets to be admitted to the academy in the same year group. If there are insufficient places available for all siblings, and one can be allocated a place, the admission number will be exceeded to allow them to be placed in the academy.

Factor 4 Children who live closest to the academy.

The distance will be determined by measuring the shortest available route using the public road and path network from the pupil’s home to the main academy gate, as determined by the academy. The distance will be measured by using a computerised geographical information system (GIS). Priority will be given to those living nearest to the academy using this system. Pupils living in flats where the distance measures the same, priority will be given in ascending order of flat number/letter/floor.

Tie Breakers

Where the offer of a place would lead to oversubscription under any of the above factors places will be allocated by reference to subsequent factors in order. In exceptional circumstances where it has not been possible to decide between applications, because they have the same distance measurements, the place will be allocated by drawing lots independently verified