Courtesy of Money Saving Central, here are a list of places where children can either eat for free of £1 this summer.
We are an inclusive Academy for children aged between 4 and 11, committed to delivering first-class education and playing an active role in the local community. The largest primary school in the town, Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue has places for 588 children in the main school and 78 in our Nursery.
Courtesy of Money Saving Central, here are a list of places where children can either eat for free of £1 this summer.
Please read this safeguarding message about the alert that will be happening on mobile phones on 23rd April.
Please click on the link below for a list of important numbers and websites to contact if you need any help or advice at all.
Oasis Academy Henderson Avenue, Henderson Avenue, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 7RW
T: 01724 842 518
E: info@oasishendersonavenue.org